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Activity Log

Check the status of a document

Taktikals API returns a ProcessKey when a signing process is created. This key can be used to check the status of the process. (see ActivityLog bellow).

When all signees have signed, a web-hook request is sent containing the signed document.


How to check the status of the document?

There are two ways to get the ActivityLog

  • GET /signing/activity/{ProcessKey} for a single item
  • GET /signing/activity/user/ to get all activity for a given user (user is the one that starts the process)

Both endpoints support from and to dates to narrow down the search.

Example activity log for a SigningProcess with one signee that has signed.

processKey: "spa2f3e",
activityLog: [
flowKey: "3fc7848d338a",
processKey: "spa2f3e",
status: "Created",
description: "Signing process created. ProcessKey: spa2f3e.",
fileName: "demo_skjal-drop-and-sign-small.pdf",
createdAt: "2019-11-08T11:03:49.0700000Z",
createdBy: "",
flowKey: "3fc7848d338a",
processKey: "spa2f3e",
signeeKey: "si4265c7a3263e",
status: "SigneeAdded",
"Signee added. Processkey: spa2f3e. Signee key: si4265c7a3263e.",
createdAt: "2019-11-08T11:03:49.1200000Z",
createdBy: "Taktikal.Core",
flowKey: "3fc7848d338a",
processKey: "spa2f3e",
signeeKey: "si4265c7a3263e",
status: "SignupSent",
"Signup sent. Processkey: spa2f3e. Signee: si4265c7a3263e. Delivery method : Sms ",
createdAt: "2019-11-08T11:03:49.4070000Z",
createdBy: "Taktikal.Core",
flowKey: "3fc7848d338a",
processKey: "spa2f3e",
status: "Started",
description: "Signing process started. ProcessKey: spa2f3e.",
fileName: "demo_skjal-drop-and-sign-small.pdf",
createdAt: "2019-11-08T11:03:49.4230000Z",
createdBy: "",
flowKey: "3fc7848d338a",
processKey: "spa2f3e",
signeeKey: "si4265c7a3263e",
status: "SMS:DELIVERED",
description: "SMS delviery status: DELIVERED.",
createdAt: "2019-11-08T11:04:04.7030000Z",
createdBy: "Taktikal.Core",
flowKey: "3fc7848d338a",
processKey: "spa2f3e",
signeeKey: "si4265c7a3263e",
status: "SigneeSigned",
"Signee signed. ProcessKey: spa2f3e. Signee key: si4265c7a3263e",
createdAt: "2019-11-08T11:06:01.5600000Z",
createdBy: "Taktikal.Core",
flowKey: "3fc7848d338a",
processKey: "spa2f3e",
signeeKey: "si4265c7a3263e",
status: "Completed",
description: "Signing completed. ProcessKey: spa2f3e.",
createdAt: "2019-11-08T11:06:01.6070000Z",
createdBy: "Taktikal.Core",
flowKey: "3fc7848d338a",
processKey: "spa2f3e",
signeeKey: "si4265c7a3263e",
status: "Confirmation:delivered",
"Mailgun webhook. Event: delivered. Id:2NwQ3QahRtWZgK37JQ-I8Q. Severity: . Reason:",
createdAt: "2019-11-08T11:06:04.9930000Z",
createdBy: "Mailgun",
flowKey: "3fc7848d338a",
processKey: "spa2f3e",
signeeKey: "si4265c7a3263e",
status: "SalesPerson:delivered",
"Mailgun webhook. Event: delivered. Id:0QEQpeM1SKuVgWZaIG0tfQ. Severity: . Reason:",
createdAt: "2019-11-08T11:06:05.7500000Z",
createdBy: "Mailgun",
signees: [
processKey: "spa2f3e",
signeeKey: "si4265c7a3263e",
ssn: "123456-7890",
name: "Signee Number One",
address: "Address 5",
postalCode: "555",
city: "Reykjavík",
phone: "1234567",
email: "",
createdAt: "2019-11-08T11:03:49.1000000Z",
createdBy: "Taktikal.Core",
updatedAt: "2019-11-08T11:03:49.1000000Z",